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Mortson Kasoma
Field Officer
Phone 0026 0963580505
Mortson has his own football academy in a poor compound area in Ndola, and he is also connected to Dream Factory's football project Adopt a Club as Project Coordinator.
Griselia Msoni
Field Officer.
Phone 0026 0978669547

Griselia is involved with our Buyantanshi Women's Empowerment program. Griselia is married to Chris and together they have 4 children. Griselia is educated in business management, and agriculture


Esneya Sakala
Assistant Administrator
Phone: 0026 0961152378
Email: esneya@dreamfactoryzambia.org

Is 24 years of age and has been assisting Stanley Njamba with administration since the beginning of this year. She is also assisting with the IT program. She has a passion for administration.




Based in Denmark

Peder Tind
Peder Tind is Dream Factory's former Project Director and has years of experience from project management both in Denmark and Zambia. Peder is married to Anitha and together they have stayed in Zambia since September 2009 to november 2014. They now live in Denmark. Peder has a Bachelor degree in political science.  
Anitha Tind has worked with local communities in Zambia for many years. Primarily with home based care to PLWHA, child health, nutrition and education. She is an RN and has a Bachelor degree in Nursing and a Masters of Science in Nursing. Anitha is married to Peder.
Henrik G Pedersen
Board chairman
Phone 0045 2544 4254
Henrik coordinates the support from Denmark and is board chairman. He is also the webmaster. Henrik is a lawyer and works as a HR consultant in one of the big trade unions in Denmark.
Henrik is married to Laila, and they have 4 children.
Simon Linde
Project Coordinator in DK
Phone 0045 6045 0077
Simon has been a volunteer and living in Zambia for 1½ years in total, and now lives in Denmark. He works with projects in DK and is studying.
He is married to Mia and lives in Aarhus, Denmark
Dream Factory Zambia (NPO) | Plot 5, Kansenshi small holdings, P.O. Box 70771, Ndola - Zambia | Phone: +26 0968 97 8442 | info@dreamfactoryzambia.org