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Your help is vital, and reaches further than you think.

Zambia`s future depends on these young people. With the right attitude and character, this generation can change Zambia for ever.

Support Dream Factory with:

  • Monthly donations. Contact us for account details, or use Paypal
    (If you live in Denmark, read about other options HERE)
  • Single donations via Paypal.
  • In Denmark we also collect items that we can use through our container project. Read more HERE

Donate via Paypal

You can use your Paypal account or pay with major credit cards.
Gifts are given via Apostolic Church in Fredericia/Denmark, and distributed on to Dream Factory. 
You can also transfer to our bank account:
Finance bank Zambia, Account nr. 0025106335019, Swiftcode ZFBAZMLU, account holder Dream Factory Zambia.
From Denmark you can support us throught Vestfyns Bank, Account 6854 - 0000114086
Dream Factory Zambia (NPO) | Plot 5, Kansenshi small holdings, P.O. Box 70771, Ndola - Zambia | Phone: +26 0968 97 8442 | info@dreamfactoryzambia.org