This years headlines
is from Cuba

This year we have chosen to focus even more on the international and has invited two artists from Cuba. Cuba is well known for its rich cultural life and especially in the colorful art. There are already forces in the process of visa applications so we can get the two artists to Kerteminde.

Yunior Hurtado Torres

Yunior was born in 1977 in Santa Clara, Cuba, and his oil paintings are a celebration of life and a portrait of Cubans' irrepressible joie de vivre. The paintings contain a warmth and glow that radiates in one meeting and invite dialogue and smile. The strong brushstrokes and rich, vivid palette supports Yunior 's artistic interpretation of the portrayed people.

Yunior dedicated herself to art full in 1999, where he completed his education at the Academy of Arts of Trinidad.

Despite his young age, he is a professor at the Academy of Art in Santa Clara, where he resides with his family. Yunior has participated in several art projects in Cuba, such as " III Concurso Nacional PMA en Acción ", Havana, and has won several national art awards.

Alain Fernández Ferreira

Alain (b. 1972 ) studied at the Art Academy in Trinidad , Cuba, in 1995. Alian has participated in numerous exhibitions, both in Cuba , France and Germany and is now shown for the first time in Denmark.

In his role as professor and examiner at the art academy in Trinidad and vice president of UNEAC, among other things, organizes art biennale in Havana, Alain part of Cuba's art elite.

Alain's work impresses in their glowing texture and ensure academy technique and Cuban raw walls and poetic maturity is reflected in every painting.

Lolo Manuel Antonio Alverez Diego Suazu

Lolo (b. 1976) graduated from the Art Academy of San Alejandro in Cuba and has served as a professor at the School of Art Félix Varela. His works have residents' attention and sold to private collectors worldwide.

Lolo talks about Cuba with precise brushstrokes and a safe, highly detailed clarity that gives the composition an almost photographic expression. Oil Painting The amazing shadow effects and palette brilliant colors create compelling scenes and humorous compositions.

The works magic realism puts the iconic symbols in new contexts, and comments thus convincing on life in Cuba with both irony and seriousness.

Lolo has exhibited at art biennale in Havana 2009.


Cuba exhibition has its
very own sponsor.


Jydsk Blændrammefabrik has been so generous to donate as well paint the canvas for the three Cuban artists. The artists in Cuba are highly dependent on donations from abroad, as it is rather difficult to obtain proper materials in Cuba.

It is therefore a great help Jydsk Blændrammefabrik granted, because without the paint and canvas that JBF has donated, it would not be possible to make such a large exhibition, as it is the case at the International Art Festival.


This years catalog is on
the street

Now this year's catalog is on the street. You can buy The Art Festival catalog at VisitKerteminde, Gallery Gykkenheim and in selected stores in Kerteminde. 

We look forward to seeing you June 28 at. 11:00 until Sunday, July 6 pm. 16:00  


This years opening

Mads Damsbo

It is always exciting the start task " to find the person to be open this year's festival ." It may be an actual person as such . was in 2013. Here was our mayor Sonja Rasmussen, who was invited as Kerteminde had 600 years of boroughjubilee .

In 2014 it will be someone from the world of art : the Director Mads Damsbo from Kunsthal Brands in Odense. Mads Damsbo have kindly agreed to open the festival on 28 June 2014 kl. 11 on Lundsgaard Gods.

Mads Damsbo is 36 and not just anyone. He is a trained art historian, MA. / MA.
From 2007 - 2008 he was art critic at Dagbladet Information. From 2008 - 2013 he held the position of Director of the Art Center Holtegaard and is therefore now director of the Art Center merchants.

We are very happy and proud to Mads Damsbo has agreed to open the festival . He knows, of course, a lot of art and is very interested in what is happening around the country, and he is therefore supreme leader of probably the largest cultural institution in Funen, namely Funen Art Museum , Photographic Museum and Art Brandts all three from this year are lumped together under the Mads' management.


The Festival moves to Lundsgård Gods


Lundsgård Gods

And well - it will be 2014. We get more and more detail in place - and sometimes does also things we had not expected.

The year was supposed to start with a censorship of all the submitted entries from artists across Europe. And it was not as expected. The festival was only entries from 40 artists and we as organizers estimated that this was not an adequate basis to ensure a good and versatile exhibition. Therefore, we have suspended the censorship.

This does not mean that we do not get a great exhibition at Lundgaard. We simply choose a different model.

We have instead chosen to invite 30 Danish and foreign artists to exhibit at Lundgaard and it becomes a truly diverse and exciting exhibition

Thanks to all our Sponsors. 

The  sponsors are:


N. O. Andersens Legat

Aslaug og
Carl Friis Fonden


Ost & vin Kerteminde

Clausens eftf.

Kerteminde Bed & Breakfast

P.Hansen & Co. A/S | Nissen & Co. A/S


Amanda blomster

Langegades Bageri

Ibbers Pølser

Galleri Ulriksholm

Holm Begravelser

Kerteminde Fysioterapi

Klinikken på Klintevej

Janets Palet


Butik Nille

Café Ilskov

Boris Fisk 

Freddy Hansen Radio & TV

Kerteminde Apotek

Kerteminde Boghandel
International Art Festival of Kerteminde