Familien Thunberg-Pedersen


Kaya, 2 years and 3 months
13/2 - Febuary and a cold month with snow outside. Kaya is now 2 years and 3 months, and she talks all the time.
 16/5 - She is now 18 months old and all over the place, speaks all day long never a rest for our ears *lol*
In March she said MOM for the first time, and it has been used frequently since...especially when she wants something.
She is a very loving girl, who likes to give out hugs and kisses to mom and dad. We have just bought our first house together and everything is very exiting right now.
27/12- Christmas is now over and we had a wonderful time. Christmas eve was spend with Claus' family i Århus, 13 people. December 25th we went to Sæby to be with my family for some days. Kaya got a lot of presents and she is loving it. I have uploaded new pics here .
27/10-  New pictures in Kaya oktober 07, last weekend we held her 1st b-day. Our families came from Jutland to be with us, but Kaya had a high fever so she didn't care. But we had a good time and she got some nice presents. You can see pics here.
30/9- New pictures under Kaya september 07.
Finally, and update in english for my friends in the US. Sorry it took so long guys.
She is now 10½ months old, and very perky. She has been standing on her feet since June 12th, and in August she did it without any help...in a few seconds :)
Yesterday she took her first 4 steps, and her mom was very proud.
The minut later she tried again and fell face down :-(
She expresses hunger with a speciel sound mam mam, she points at things and asks "det?" (danish for "what is that?"). At the moment she has a cold, and that is hard cause she doesn't sleep all that well when she can't breath proberly. So we are all very tired at this moment.
You can see pictures of her and us here, videos here and write a hi in our guestbook here.
Hope you will enjoy it, and I hope to hear from you.
We might go to the states next summer, so if you want a visit please let us now :-)
Love Rikke and her family
Rikke, Claus og Kaya Thunberg Pedersen