
Fotografi - fremstilling af billeder på lysfølsomt materiale, som regel ved hjælp af et kamera. Siden John Herschel i februar 1839 benyttede betegnelsen i sin brevveksling med bl.a. W.H. Fox Talbot, har den været anvendt om en sølvbaseret fotokemisk proces til at fastholde et motiv ved hjælp af et kamera. Fra ca. 1900 er den også benyttet om røntgenbilleder og fra ca. 1990 tillige i forbindelse med elektronisk billeddannelse, digitalt fotografi.


Photography - Producing photos on photosensitive material, usually using a camera. Since John Herschel in February 1839 used the term in his correspondence with, among other W.H. Fox Talbot, it has been applied to a silver-based photochemical process to maintain a subject using a camera. From approx. 1900 it is also used for x-rays and from approx. 1990 also in connection with electronic imaging, digital photography.

About me...

I have been using a camera since i was a child. My main motives have been models, landscapes, architecture, wildlife, plants and bugs of any kind.

Main Portfolio moved to here:

The photos are edited in Lightroom and Photoshop.
The CG-Art is made using DAZ studio, Poser and Photoshop.
Bo Michal