Liva is mated to Sam

Strömforsens Liva is mated to the nice Norwegian male First Bullet Samson Sorensen. He it a lovely male with lots of energy and have very nice mentality. More informations can be read on puppies.
Ilex will mate Lina Anderssons nice bitch Pålamalmens Krozza this winter, more information about that can be found on
We think that this is two very good combinations and we hope for many nice and healty pups this winter/spring.


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ILEX des Marais du Piat

Ilex is our newest dog, he is doing very well and adapts perfectly to our pack. More information about him on his own page.

Puppy pictures

More pictures on the puppies on their own page.

Liva 1st price in open class

On Friday 11/4 in 2014, I started Liva on mountain trial in Klimpfjäll which resuted in a first prize in the open class. It was Livas first start in the Open class, she turned 2yrs in the 1st of April and has now become Elite Dog already 2yrs and 11days old.
It was really bad weather, blizzard, rain and really heavy terrain but our little Liva struggled on excellent all day without fading. She showed a very good adaption between open mountain terrain to the slightly more dense birch forest.
Now we will focus on forest trial in the fall and hope when we get our little Liva Lotta merited even there, then she is qualified in all terrains.
Liva 1Ökl

Liva hip results

We have obtained results on Livas HD x-ray, it was a cheerful reply, HD-B, and no note.
It was in other words a good autumn for Liva, priced at field trials, many shot birds and delicate bird shots, very good retrieving, fine critic from field trials, hd-free and she has shown that she masters all surfaces and birds from grouse and capercaillie to pheasant and partridge.
We have also received Livas HQ results and also it was positive 0.96.

The autumn 2013

This fall has not been as regular autumns. We've had a lot of maturity, mating and gestation. Very funny but unfortunately it affects hunt a lot.
Ebba was mated week before the premiere and Liva started her period the week after that, not grand slam directly. Torts bad conditions, we had a nice time in the woods with our talented dogs. We shoot several capercaillie, black grouse, grouse and ptarmigan for the dogs at the beginning of autumn, even some pigeons which de dogs have reterived.
Now recent weeks, we have been most at home in the forrest with Liva, unfortunately with very poor bird access. We have also started Liva on some field trials, unfortunately, with even worse bird access.
Ebba, we paused from the hunt now because she is starting to be quite thick.
Unfortunately I have bad with pictures from the hunt, but on the blog, there are plenty. =)
AJAKAWIS Kennel, uppfödning av breton för jakt.