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Danish companies join conference

Aarhus, 1 November 2009


Danish companies join conference to discuss climate responsibility

Novo Nordisk, Maersk Line and the Confederation of Danish Industries will provide inspiration on how Danish companies can take responsibility for climate change at the conference "Responsibility Across Borders? Climate Change as Challenge for Intercultural Inquiry on Values". The conference takes place at Aarhus University from 3-6 November 2009.

Right now, climate change is one of the biggest challenges for Danish companies. They can either stand by and await initiatives by public institutions or national and international competitors and organisations. Or they can work work proactively to formulate their own strategies and policies.

Companies taking responsibility for mitigating the effects of climate change now have the opportunity to create news markets, differentiate themselves from competitors and maybe even improve their bottom line.

Representatives from Novo Nordisk, Maersk Line and the Confederation of Danish Industries will provide concrete examples of how they work with climate issues at the session that takes place

Friday 6 November 9.00-10.15 hours
Building 1441
Aarhus University
Tåsingegade 3, 8000 Aarhus C

Presenters are:

Lykke Schmidt, Novo Nordisk: Novo Nordisk has been devoted to Corporate Social Responsibilty for years.

Jacob Sterling, Maersk Line: Maersk Line is a relatively new player in the area of climate responsibility but has been moving fast to upgrade their efforts in this respect.

Henrik Dissing, Conferderation of Danish Industries: The confederation will provide an up-to-date overview of how Danish companies are tackling the climate challenges.

Read more about the whole conference that also features a particular business track on the conference website.

For more information about the contents of this press release:
Professor Peter Neergaard, phone +45 28 15 24 04
ICON Aarhus University