About us

SteinsholtSteinsholt is a horsefarm driven by Jakob Svavar Sigurðsson and girlfriend Torunn Maria Hjelvik. Part of the farm is also owned by his parents, Sigurður Guðni Sigurðsson and Margrét Jakobsdottir.
Here are taken in horses to break in or training for breeding shows, competitions or sale. The stable takes at least 40 horses and it is connected to a small riding hall. Great training facility with good ridingtrails, pacetrack and ovaltrack. Steinsholt got the honour of recieving the enviromental award 2008 for farms in our area, Hvalfjarðarsveit.
Jakob Sigurðsson FT rewardJakob is educated from the Hólar university with FT training and riding teacher C. He has worked in horsefarms like Ketilsstöðum, Skálakot and more. He bought the farm Steinsholt in 2004, with his parents. They then changed the cow-stables to horse-stables. 
Jakob has done well in MD VÍS (Champions cup),  3rd place 2008, 8th place 2009, 4th place 2010 and 3rd place 2011. One of the competitions that stands out for Jakob in MD must be the "gæðingadressage"  where he won in ´09 on the stalllion Auður from Lundum II, putting on a great show. Then he won again in 2011 on the mare Árborg from Miðey.
At Landsmót 2008 he was given the award from FT for great riding and made a new Jakob and Alurworld record beeing the first to get 10 for canter. The horse was of course Auður from Lundum II.
Jakob and Alur from Lundum were T2 Icelandic champions in 2010 and Jakob also got the silver medal in tölt on the mare Árborg from Miðey. Árborg also works well in B-flokk, she won the Masterscompetition Andvara 2011.Glotti frá Sveinatúngu
Another horse that needs to be mentioned in Jakobs career is the great fivegaiter Glotti from Sveinatungu, he got the highest breeding marks in the class of 6 year old stallions at LM ´08. Also they where 4th place in 7 years and older at  the WC 2011. The best score in riding abilities is 8.97!
Alur frá Lundum IITorunn is educated from the Hólar university with FT training and riding teacher C. She has worked in horsefarms like Holtsmúla (Lisbeth and Siggi Sæm), Hofsstaðasel, Þúfum (Mette and Gisli), Halakot, Vesturkot and Stall SP (Stian Pedersen). She has also been with her own training station in Norway.

Hlynur frá Litlu-TunguTorunn likes to teach and has weekend courses and privat lessons in both Norway and Iceland. The goal is to be more on the competition- and showing tracks but has started a little the last few years. Here´s a fourgaited stallion showed five years old with 8,12 for riding abilities, 9 for tölt and willingness -->
Jakob Sigurðsson & Torunn Hjelvik  | steinsholt@live.com