Key Note Lecture: Hans Köchler

Title: "The Philosophy and Politics of Global Dialogue"
Dr. Hans Köchler holds the chair of Political Philosophy and Philosophical Anthropology at the University of Innsbruck (Austria) and is Visiting Professor at the Polytechnic University of the Philippines (Manila). He is Founder and President of the International Progress Organization (I.P.O.), an international NGO in consultative status with the United Nations.
Köchler is author or editor of more than 400 articles and books in over a dozen languages, including Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations; The New International Economic Order: Philosophical and Socio-cultural Implications; Democracy and the International Rule of Law; Global Justice or Global Revenge?; Civilizations: Conflict or Dialogue?; Globality versus Democracy? The Changing Nature of International Relations in the Era of Globalization; Philosophie – Recht – Politik (Philosophy - Law - Politics); World Order: Vision and Reality.
He is also a member of the Editorial Board of the international academic journal Hekmat va Falsafeh (Wisdom and Philosophy) (Tehran) and of the Indian Journal of Politics (New Delhi). Köchler has been the organizer of numerous conferences and expert meetings in the field of international relations, in particular on intercultural co-operation and the dialogue among civilizations, and is member of the International Co-ordinating Committee of the World Public Forum “Dialogue of Civilizations” (Moscow-Vienna).
In March 1974, he gave the first lecture – at Jordan’s Royal Scientific Society in Amman – outlining his theory of inter-cultural dialogue; in the same year, he organized an international conference in Innsbruck (Austria) on “The Cultural Self-comprehension of Nations” (July 1974). Köchler is the recipient of numerous honours and awards such as the doctor degree sub auspiciis praesidentis rei publicae (“under the auspices of the President of the Republic” / Austria); a doctor degree honoris causa from Mindanao State University (Philippines); an honorary professorship of Pamukkale University (Turkey); the badge of honour of the Austrian College Society; the award “Apostle of International Understanding” (India); the Honorary Medal of the International Peace Bureau (Geneva); and the Grand Medal of David the Invincible (Armenian Academy of Philosophy).